Zip Level
Brand: Ziplevel (Technidea)
Model: ZIP Anchor
Anchoring Stakes (Pair)Popular option for the ZIPLEVEL PRO-2000B. Allows user to anchor ZIPLEVEL Base Unit to ground in loose soil or slope applications.This item is included with the ZIPLEVEL PRO-2000...
Brand: Ziplevel (Technidea)
Model: EZDepth
ZIPLEVEL EZDepthZIPLEVEL EZDepth for excavators, backhoes, skid steers and other heavy equipment provides accurate operator readings without risks to a laser rod man.EZDepth directly displays depths over unlimited ranges without line-of-sight, satellite horizons or complex arrays of inclinometer sen..
Brand: Ziplevel (Technidea)
Model: ZIP Case HD
Shipping Case - Heavy DutyCustom padded SKB shipping case for the ZIPLEVEL PRO-2000 and PRO-2000B.Includes:• Custom Foam Insert• Stainless steel locking loops• Waterproof and dust tight design (MIL-C-4150J)• Molded-in hinge for added protection• Trigger release latch system• Snap-down rubber over-mo..
Brand: Ziplevel (Technidea)
Model: 69-ZIPPRO
Unlike a rotary laser, ZIPLEVEL® lets you truly work alone to quickly and easily level and read elevations directly in unmistakably clear digits. NO MORE rods, tripods, sensors, line-of-sight, error with distance, factory calibration and tedious computations. Now you can measure over any distance or..
Brand: Ziplevel (Technidea)
Model: 69-ZIPPROB
Unlike a rotary laser, ZIPLEVEL® lets you truly work alone to quickly and easily level and read elevations directly in unmistakably clear digits. NO MORE rods, tripods, sensors, line-of-sight, error with distance, factory calibration and tedious computations. Now you can measure over any distance or..
Brand: Ziplevel (Technidea)
Model: ZIP-PB
Protective BootPopular option for the ZIPLEVEL PRO-2000B. Provides additional protection for Measurement Module against damage from fall-impact. Purchase of this item is highly recommended for rugged applications.This item is included with the ZIPLEVEL PRO-2000...
Brand: Ziplevel (Technidea)
Model: ZL-SLP
The ZIPLEVEL® SmartLink with new Low Energy BlueTooth adapter and revolutionary ZIPLOT (Patent Pending) is a powerful tool that lets you mate ZIPLEVEL with an Android smartphone or tablet to work in ways never before imagined. Now you can quickly and easily map your job and ..
Brand: Ziplevel (Technidea)
Model: ZIP Case Standard
Shipping Case - Standard DutyStandard duty shipping case for the ZIPLEVEL PRO-2000 and PRO-2000B.Includes:Custom Foam InsertPositive-lock latchesPadlock haspSize: 14.5H x 19.2W x 7.6D..
Brand: Ziplevel (Technidea)
Model: ZIP-U
UnipodPopular option for the ZIPLEVEL PRO-2000B. For measurements without bending. Also serves as a vertical calibration reference.This item is included with the ZIPLEVEL PRO-2000...
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